The Epoxy coating is a thermo setting
polymer which is available in three different formulations for a specific floor
coating and sealer for use in a garage.
The three types are water based, solvent based, and 100% solids.
Epoxy FloorCoating
These formulations allow for varying
degrees of thickness from 3 mils to 10 mils (A mil is a thousandth of an inch) for a single coating. They allow for ease of
application, special bonding characteristics, and VOC considerations. Epoxy easily
bonds with new or old concrete.
The best epoxy formulations are 100%
solids and provide for an extremely hard, thick, and impact resistant surface. This
self-leveling thickness fills in the small hairline cracks of the floor as
well as providing protection.
Though some epoxy formulas come with
U.V. inhibitors, they will still eventually yellow or amber as the industry
calls it when exposed to sunlight for any length of time. It is something to consider when choosing an
industrial floor finish.
The Polyurethane is a very high-performance coating. It is known as
urethane for short, though that it is technically incorrect. If someone is talking
about a urethane coating, it is nothing but polyurethane.
Floor Coating benefits:
From the different types available,
aliphatic polyurethane is the desired choice for garage floors. Though they are mostly solids, a polyurethane
coating is only about 2 to 3 mils in thickness. It is also much more abrasion
resistant. In fact, some manufacturer claims that the wear resistance of
polyurethane is much more than epoxy.
Polyurethane has a high resistance to
chemicals, which is better than epoxy. It includes
resistance to solvents such as methylene chloride which is the primary
ingredient in paint stripper.
EP Floors Corp. maintains a high
quality for last 30 years. They provide knowledge and expertise in epoxy
flooring, urethane flooring, and industrial floor coating systems.
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